Wednesday 30 March 2011


Alright. I have always been fascinated by blogs and bloggers and their ability to vocalize whatever it is that is on their mind for that day, week, month or year and you get the point. I am not much of verbalizer, and maybe that is why I am perplexed by those who are. Of course that doesn't mean I don't have things to say, but that I just never frequently let them be known. Sometimes I wonder as I see the blogs of those I know (and those that I do not know and have stalked) how much of what they have written was not edited but just the pouring out of their thoughts. Not that I am saying every blog is a literary masterpiece that causes one to wonder of its inception and subsequent tinkering :P. I am just curious. Most people do not confide their thoughts out loud, not even to those they've known for quite awhile. Yet on these blogs, their thoughts appear uncensored and at times as if free and uninhibited. Does the slight anonymity of a blog provide them with confidence to spill their guts (maybe not that literally but the point is obvious). Or even if not inconspicuousness, then a form of faceless expression. Many have said that pictures convey a bajillion words (yes, I think its a bajillion). Yet, words have a power that pictures only possess slightly. A visual spectrum is such, it is what you see and how you interpret it, is in a way limited. Of course I am not discussing the works of Picasso or DaVinci which I think were created to pick at our brains. A normal picture consists of a blast of stimuli to your sense of vision. (Now I feel like I am on some tangent, but the point is a picture is a picture). But words! I love words. There's this ambiguity associated with them that pictures can't always give. Oh of course pictures give u a sense of what's going on and maybe elicit emotions in you that are often connected with some memory etc. But what you see is what your neighbor sees, your focus of attention may be different but the image does not change. Yet words are ambiguous. When one reads a literature, they often do not agree with their peers about what they have just read and the disagreement is often not based on their emotions or memories but based on how the words have become VISUAL images in their minds. Words have POWER to create a picture that can have varying forms of visualization. Hey, even you may interpret a word differently every time depending on the mood you're in. So do these bloggers somehow know they have this power intuitively? The words they use are their own at the time of inception and yet they know their readers will make them their own property soon enough. Maybe this protects their sense of how much information they're disclosing. Though someone may blog and put their intellectual property for all others to take, maybe they know subconsciously that the words may be interpreted variantly from their actual intention. So in truth they're not really spilling out their guts but just using Blogs as a way to just socialize irrelevant thoughts. Hence why they feel they have the ability to disclose their inner thoughts to every other Jane and John Doe. Of course these are the thoughts of someone who doesn't disclose her thoughts easily so maybe I am just trying to find justification for my lack of introspection by convoluting bloggers and their intuitive use of words. And who knows, maybe those blogs are true places of introspection and disclosure. Maybe they do not extrapolate their mundane thoughts in order to make themselves feel more intellectual. Therein lies the fact that I am a critical viewer who needs validation for a lot of things and beginning this blogging process has needed a lot of validation for myself. I want to know if I am going to do this for the reason of my need to disclose my thoughts or the purpose of 'bettering' myself. I am not saying either one is a wrong reason, just introspecting myself there. So question is WHY am I blogging and why do others.
Now I must say I can be a crack head, because I don't think someone starts their blog by first analyzing why everyone else has been doing something they are planning on doing. Well I will find out soon enough as I continue my blogging and may even have a more concise answer to my question asked afore (if I am successful in keeping it up!)
P.S I definitely tinkered with my first post :D
And if anyone has some need to rebut against anything I have said please feel free to!